ABA & EHCPs Online Study Group (Beginning in April)
ABA & EHCPs Online Study Group (Beginning in April)
Getting ABA written into an EHCP can often feel like an uphill struggle. Take the mystery out of the process by empowering yourself to take charge of the process on your child's behalf.
Ruth will take you through 6 weeks of her study programme.
The main feature will be the 2 hour online study group on :
***THURSDAY 26TH APRIL 2018 (3-5PM)***
ABA is an increasingly popular approach, but getting it written into an Education, Health & Care Plan can be difficult. Ruth Bright has worked on successful ABA cases, and is very keen to share her experience and expertise to empower you.
During the study group, you will cover:
- How ABA can work in school and in an EHCP
- Real case studies
- Why it can be difficult to get ABA in an EHCP
- The importance of strong evidence
- What good evidence looks like (and where to find it!)
- What the Code of Practice says
- The Children and Families Act and Education Act
- Working with your nursery/school/college
- Structuring an argument for ABA
- Writing a case for your appeal
- Actions you can take (including timelines, deadlines, etc.)
This study group is:
- Led by Ruth Bright
- Limited to 6 participants
- Tailored to those in the study group
- Delivered online over 6 weeks
By joining this study group, you will be provided with:
- Ruth's experience and expertise with ABA cases
- The resources to understand ABA and the EHCP process
- A peer support network made up of study group participants
- Access to a private online discussion forum