Planning for the next academic year...


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We are arranging lots of virtual annual reviews at the moment! This is great.

Flexiblevirtualsafe ways to make the system work. Working together is what is going to continue to help everyone get through this tough time.

Here at Bright Futures we are all about promoting cooperation and taking pressures off the system to help you plan for the future, at this unprecedented time. Plans for the future of your child still need to go ahead, otherwise the system will be absolutely chaotic once this is over. The government expects that processes will still be followed by local authorities and that work will continue to be completed at home where staff have the ability to do so.

Whilst the local authorities do need to be cut some slack, there are creative ways around processes and everyone can think outside the box....

Here are 5 main points to consider if your child HAS an EHCP and the plan has not been updated for the next academic year:

1) Forget the now (for now)

...and focus on the future. Make sure you have everything in the EHCP for when your child/ YP is back at school - particularly if they are due to move schools in September.

2) Your rights to appeal

Get your hands on your rights to appeal, in case you need to use them. The only way to do this is to complete the annual review process (if your child has an EHCP already)

3) Creative, flexible options

Suggest creative options for completing the annual review process (to help your child in the long run) such as helping the school to collate reports, sending clear changes that are needed to the plan in a really clear coded document (you can ask us to do this if needed - we are at your beckon call!)

4) Appeals/Tribunals

If you have your rights for appeal and you're not sure whether to do it now, just do it. Appeals and Tribunals are still being registered and decisions for your child's future are still being made. You can always delay the appeal once it has been registered, if needed. The courts want to keep on working.

5) EHC Processes changing

Keep an eye on the guidance for current EHC processes. The latest guidance on vulnerable children which includes EHCPs says the government is considering amending processes.

We are here to support and help with your journey at this hard time.

Best wishes,

Bright Futures