Applying for an Education, Health and Care assessment


Is your child starting school in September?

Are you not sure whether they will be able to cope in the class without additional support?

Here at Bright Futures we strongly believe in SUPPORTING and ENABLING you to feel as empowered and knowledgeable as possible to take on the education legal system by yourself, or with the support of Bright Futures.

Join us for a webinar on everything you need to know about applying for an Education, Health and Care Plan assessment.

We will educate you on how to apply, when to do so; what evidence to use and what case law to rely on. You can even purchase a downloadable template from us, for 20% off, to help you make the application. 

The webinar will take place on 12th September at 5pm and will last 1.5 hours. When you book, you will be sent a link for the online webinar. You will be a part of an online community where you will be able to see Ruth Bright, Director of Bright Futures, talking live on your computer. You will be able to interact from your computer by typing questions to Ruth at any time!

If you are interested in this, please click this link to learn more: