ABA Study Group - nearly all sold out!


QUICK! Only a couple of spaces left....


In case you are still not sure what is involved here is a little more information from Ruth at Bright Futures!


Hey guys! 

I have been prompted to set up a 6 week course for ABA professionals out there that need guidance and support with tribunals and appeals.

So what exactly does it involve?

We start with a 2 hour webinar on 31st August. You will be supplied with a content booklet and work sheets before this time.

When you book on I will be sending you a questionnaire to fill out so that I can tailor the content specifically to you. You and I will also have a telephone call at a time to suit you, so that we can touch base before we launch in to the first webinar on 31st August, with everyone.

In the first webinar we will be covering the following items:

[This is an interactive webinar via online software, you will be asked to login and participate to make the group as worthwhile as possible]

  • Introductions and talking through specific cases you may have currently on your case load (you will be asked to fill in some answers to questions in your course booklet which will be sent next week)

  • EHCP and appeal overviews 

  • ABA and some case examples from Bright Future

  • Case Law for ABA cases

  • Report writing for tribunal

  • Evidence for tribunal

  • Expectations of you during an appeal scenario

  • Task set, and group whittles down one case to focus on individually (i.e. you chose one client's case to focus on with my help).

Week 2 -  Discussion Forum launched. Establish the case you have chosen to work on during this course. Ruth will set tasks specific to you (will be included in workbook) - own study time

Week 3 - Ruth checks in on tasks via discussion forum between group. - own study time

Week 4: Second webinar 

Focus on: 

Being in court

  • Check in on tasks and discuss together

  • Specific 'Expert Witness' Training

  • Cross-examination training

  • Developing and linking your argument 

Week 5: Prepare your own expert witness pitch (discussion forum will also support this) - own study time

Week 6: Deliver it to Ruth (record self or via online software - alternatively this can be in writing) and receive feedback

The focus is exceptionally individualised because we are only enrolling a maximum of 10 professionals. The reason for this is because we want to help you and talk through individual cases that you may currently have, to make this course as beneficial to real families, as possible (obviously we ask for you to please make all cases anonymous). The course really focuses on current happenings within the SENDIST tribunal system, local authorities and case law. We want to make the information as real and as useful as possible for your cases. 

A bit about me!

I will be delivering this course. I am the Managing Director of Bright Futures and I have been working on appeals and tribunals as part of my own organisation, for 2.5 years.  I have seen the challenges, complexities and finally the successes after long journey's of 'fighting' for funding, throughout my time. I have worked with many ABA tutors, BCBAs and supervisors, as well as LAs, schools and private funding bodies. I represent families on a weekly basis in the courts. I also supply a professional eye for EHCPs, in line with the law.

Looking forward to supporting you!