Bright Start: Our experiences.


These were the words of a local authority manager this week, to one of our families.

Sometimes success stories don't always start positive. Most people approach Bright Futures in a dire situation, having been, in effect, 'bullied' in to thinking they have no right to argue or in this case, made to feel bad. It should not be this way, and it continues to shock us how much misinformation is out there, this far on past the SEN reforms. Like every other year, we've have had families this week come up against barriers for receiving their final EHCP, despite the legal obligation on the LA to issue a plan by 15th February, if a child is transitioning to primary or secondary school.

One, unnamed (any guesses?), local authority responded to a request for a LATE EHCP, by expressing their 'disappointment' with the family for not wanting to continue to 'work with them' (let's skirt over the fact that no contact has been made with the family to so called 'work with them' in any event but hey ho!) and instead ask for finalisation.

This type of language is manipulative. It makes the family feel like they are doing something wrong and should feel 'ashamed' of themselves. A bit like being told off at school - which is another issue I'd quite like to cover - why should anyone be made to feel like this? This emotive, manipulative, language is often used in schools too, to children as well as parents. The FACT of the matter is, the LA has not complied with it’s legal duties. No 'personal feelings' of an LA officer, who is actually not PERSONALLY affected by the situation (!!), changes that. 

So give the family their rights, on time. Simple. It is fact. 

By not, you're potentially blocking their right to appeal this academic year and ergo you’re facilitating a miscarriage of justice.

Year on year, LAs breach their duty, meaning families miss their right to appeal before the summer, and their child is out of education or in the wrong school, for the start of the academic year. 

I am sure lots of families will have personal feelings about this. Feelings that do not even come close to matching your 'disappointment' right now, local authority.

If you need support to challenge the LA, don’t delay: get in touch today.