Everything that is wrong with the School System

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I share this video regularly because I think it hits the nail on the head. Although it is American, the same goes in the UK. It makes you think. It makes me sad. But more than anything else, it makes me want to promote change.

Prince Ea talks about how Fish are forced to climb trees. Not a sentiment we are unfamiliar with.

He talks, similarly to Ken Robinson, about the differences that exist between children - humans!

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He expresses the value of teachers and the undervalue given to them by the system

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He discusses Finland’s Education system: Shorter days, Homework does not exist, and guess what? Finland’s education system out performs every other country in the world.

He shows the differences between other systems in the last 150 years, and then shows us a classroom. It looks the same.

He talks about exams, and how redundant they are.

He tells us that children are 100% our futures, so let’s attend to their dreams.

Watch it all here It is well worth a watch!

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