PLEASE HELP! A legal fight against Central Government!

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A group of parents are inspiring families nationwide as they drive forward with a case that could chance the future of our children with special educational needs.

The CRISIS in the SEN sector is hitting headline news across the country and families are taking legal action in the high court.

In this particular case, the families are aiming to take legal action directly against the Secretary of State. It is about time that the government realise the true impact the lack of funding is having on real life families and ultimately the children in Britain and thankfully families are finally being heard in the media. However, these families need financial support to take this further via a legal system to make a real difference.

As many of you have experienced first-hand, schools and local authorities are telling families there is no money. The child themselves is then experiencing the true impact of this which can not only have a massive effect on the child in the present time, but also for years to come.

Here are Bright Futures we are constantly involved in challenging the system; a system that is completely and utterly dysfunctional. We experience children that have been illegally excluded, children that have no additional support, children who are suffering mentally and emotionally because of lack of intervention. We also then find that the impact of the system has critical effects on the parents of the children. Families are forced to quit work to support their child who is potentially out of education, spend all of their ‘spare time’ learning and advocating for their child in a inaccessible legal system, spending £1000s on tribunals and appeals to try to get their child heard and supported by an Education, Health and Care Plan [sometimes to little avail as even when it is written in the plan, we find that sometimes provision is not paid for or supported!].

Together we can try to change it.

Here is the official data provided via

  • Pupils with identified SEND account for almost half of all permanent exclusions.

  • Pupils with SEND are up to six times more likely to be excluded.

  • The number of pupils with SEND without a school place more than doubled from 2016 to 2017.

  • More than 4,000 SEND pupils were left without a school place last year compared with 776 in 2010.

You can pledge now to support this case and ultimately all children affected by the underfunded nature of the sector, which is real.

Information from:

Bright Futures are in full support.

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