Does your school need help navigating the EHCP system?

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) support for schools

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) support for schools

Calling mainstream schools and special school/colleges.

Bright Futures is tailoring packages of support to help you through the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) system.

We will be talking about legal obligations with regards to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), from applying for one to delivering the contents of an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We will be talking about Special Educational Needs (SEN) funding, tribunals, conducting and chairing annual reviews and everything to do with your legal rights as a school/college when it comes to Special Educational Needs (SEN), Special Educational Provision (SEP) and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

This training is ideal for Admissions/Marketing Education Officers, SENCOs, Headteachers, Trustees, Governors and inclusion officers/ EHCP coordinators.

So how does it work?

We run bespoke training sessions for the whole of your staff team (up to 100 staff members via our video software - your staff just simply login and participate from their own desks, wherever they are in the country). This option is great for Trusts and Academies that may span over some distance. This session is completely exclusive and tailored to your setting. You will have the chance to involve yourself in discussions and ask questions about real life scenarios. The sessions can be pitched senior managers, board of Trustees, governors, SENCOs, teaching staff, pastoral etc.

We also run regular topical webinars, which a few staff can log in to from their desk for 1.5 hours of their time. This is a great option if you are just interested in a couple of staff being trained in very specific topics, quickly and thoroughly. This session is not exclusive to your setting and will have other schools also involved in the online webinar, but this also opens up a good chance to share good practice.

We are also developing some resources to help save you time and get a positive result, when it comes to applying for an EHC assessment. We would love to hear from you as to what you need!