Bright Futures accreditation for SEN professionals


We are really really excited to announce that we are now offering an accreditation scheme for all the professionals out there that offer EHCP reports to families. 

What it means for you:

1) Your reports will be quality assured in relation to the Code of Practice, by the Bright Futures Team

2) If you need the criteria for the accreditation, you will have a profile on Bright Futures’ website. We work with over 300 families each year who need excellent reports and understanding professionals, with superb knowledge of EHCPs, tribunals and Code of Practice.

3) You can use your accreditation  ‘gold star’ label when you talk to families, on your website and on your letter heads! Let families know that you have achieved the ‘Gold Star’, and are therefore an accredited professional that they can rely on. My families only use the professionals quality assured by Bright Futures. The Gold Star accreditation will assure families

4) Your details will be included in recommendations when reports are needed

5) You will have monthly access to newsletters with key legislation updates via Bright Futures

6) You will have 50% discount on professional webinars and 1:1 bespoke coaching sessions

7) You will have free access to the annual Bright Futures professional conference

The above package of accreditation is currently worth £550 for 1 year membership. Email now for discounted rate of £300 for 1 year! £50 payable on submission of

Watch this space! Applications will launch officially on 9th May 2018. There will be limited spaces available so get your applications in. We will announce our ‘gold stars’ on 1st June 2018!

we are so excited for you to be part of the Bright Futures community! Good luck!