EHC Process for Professionals....

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Chances are that as a professional delivering interventions or involved with a child or young person, you will at some point need to contribute to the Education, Health and Care Plan process.

If you are working with the child, there must already be a need identified. The child could be able to get an EHCP and your intervention may become the content within that plan.

During our next webinar, we will be talking about the whole EHC process and how you may fit in to this. It is good to be prepared, so you can help individuals get the support they need, whilst also preparing yourself in case you are required to produce anything further, by class teachers, local authorities or parents.

We will be covering:

  • The EHC application - how you as a professional can support children and families apply for one

  • What the document means and how it could impact you

  • Carrying out an ‘EHC assessment’ that complies with Code of Practice legislation

  • Writing Outcomes

  • Writing recommended intervention in to a report for the local authority

  • Reviewing and delivering provision

  • SEN funding and the duty on schools/LAs